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Rescue Water Craft Operator Course

Registrations close Thursday 27th of March, 2025

The SLSA Rescue Water Craft (RWC) Operator award and its aligned units of competencies provides members with skills and knowledge to effectively drive and manage a RWC in search and rescue operations and as part of a water safety team.

Members who hold this SLSNSW State and Branch delivered award may patrol and support operations in the role of an RWC Operator. Proficiency in this award is renewed each year through SLS Skills Maintenance.



Upon successful completion, members also qualify for the nationally recognised PUAEQ001 Prepare, maintain and test response equipment and PUASAR016 Operate and maintain a personal watercraft for rescue operations units of competency.


SLSNSW Entry Requirements:
  • Financial Member of Tamarama SLSC
  • Minimum age of 18 years for assessment
  • Minimum age of 17 years to commence training
  • Current SLSA Bronze Medallion and Certificate II Public Safety (Aquatic Rescue)
  • Hold a current and valid driver’s licence with towing capacity (minimum green Ps)


  • SLS RWC Operators in NSW are required to complete the SLSNSW Rescue Services Member Application Form
  • After completing the RWC Operator Course, SLS members in NSW are required to go through a Probationary RWC Operator period as per the latest SLSNSW Rescue Services MemberAppointment Procedure.
  • Some SLS Branches in NSW may have additional pre-requisites. Please check with your Branch Director of Education and Lifesaving if this is the case for your branch.


Course duration:

A minimum of 15-20 hours*. This is made up of 1-4+ hour sessions covering 5 topics that include several different RWC operator techniques.



This course also includes completing a pre-course workbook/theory assessment to ensure that you meet the NSW marine licencing requirements during training. This allows you to drive an RWC for Surf Life Saving activities only and is an exemption agreement between SLSNSW and NSW Maritime.


Please ensure you have RSVP'd via the link prior to Thursday 27th of March.


May 01, 2025 at 8:00am - July 10, 2025
Chief Training Officer ·

Will you come?